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Corporate Wine Gifting: 10 Reasons To Send A Wine Gift

From closing gifts for new clients to holiday wine gifts for employees and customers, here are 10 reasons to send a nice wine gift in the business world.

Corporate Wine Gifting: 10 Reasons To Send A Wine Gift

Let’s be honest, your clients, employees and business partners don’t want another branded coffee mug or some random tchotchke that they’ll stuff in their closet and forget about until they eventually clean out that closet and donate it to Goodwill. Adults in the working world prefer something practical, something they’ll actually put to use, and something high in quality. Something like a nice wine gift.

If done right and chosen from a quality vendor, wine gifts are a near foolproof way in the business world to capture someone’s attention and let them know how much you appreciate them. From C-Suite executives to entry level employees, there are a wide variety of price points and wine gift options that are sure to impress your audience. Add in some nice packaging and a personalized gift note and your gifts are bound to be well received. 

With that said, here are 10 reasons you should consider sending wine gifts this year. 

1) Deal Closing Wine Gifts

One of the most common reasons to send a nice gift in the business world is when an important deal is closed. Whether big or small, it often makes sense to let your client know how much you appreciate their business. The great thing about sending wine after a deal is closed is that you can easily select from a variety of price points and toggle the number of bottles depending on the value of the deal. Smaller deal that didn’t take you much time to get over the finish line? Send one nice bottle of wine with a gift note. Bigger deal that’s going to make your year? Then you’ll likely want to go above and beyond by selecting multiple high-end wines to show your client how important they are to you and your company. Winestyr has options on both end of the spectrum and we’d be happy to help steer you in the right direction.

2) Client Prospecting Wine Gifts

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is inundated with emails, texts, phone calls, LinkedIn messages and advertisements pretty much every minute of every day. This makes it incredibly hard to get a prospect to pay attention to your business so it might be worth getting creative. We have multiple recurring clients across various industries who have created custom wine gifting programs in an effort to get meetings on the books with prospective clients. Afterall, a nice bottle of wine with a genuine gift note makes it pretty hard for them to say no. Some of these clients simply send wine to their prospects offices and follow up shortly afterwards if they haven’t heard back, while others have created landing pages for prospects to opt-in and receive a bottle of wine so long as they schedule a meeting or call with the sender. We've even heard from some businesses that this has been their single best way to get quality meetings on the books leading them to send hundreds of bottles of wine per month to prospective clients!

3) Holiday Wine Gifts To Clients & Employees 

The most popular time of the year to send wine gifts to clients and/or employees, by far, is during the holiday season in November and December. This is a tried and true time of the year to say thanks for your business and for another great year. On top of that, wine makes for the perfect holiday gift because there are so many wines that pair well with a Thanksgiving feast, and so many other wines that make for great Christmas wines, as well as wine for other holiday parties and New Year's celebrations. Even when the recipient isn’t a big wine drinker, if you send them high-quality wines then they can be confident when serving it to others or bringing it to another holiday event. One thing to note is that it helps immensely to plan ahead when it comes to sending your holiday gifts, especially if you’re submitting a large order to 100+ recipients. While we can always work our magic and turn an order around quickly within a couple of days, every holiday order that is submitted in November or earlier helps us and other vendors to plan for the holiday rush. 

4) Client & Employee Onboarding Wine Gifts

This is a great way to make a lasting impression right from the start and to make a client or employee feel welcome. For new clients, you’ve probably gone through a fair amount of back and forth to convince them on why they should do business with you. Sending them a nice box of wine with a thoughtful gift note and some light branding is a great way to kick off the relationship. For new employees, sending them a box of wine with some company swag can make them feel welcome to the team and energize them as they embark on their career with your company. Winestyr can help make this a seamless process for your team by working with our white glove team to create a simple and replicable ordering experience. 

5) Referral & Partnership Wine Gifts

While clients, employees and colleagues will always make up some of your most important business relationships, sometimes there are people or partners who do such a good job of driving referrals your way that it’s important to keep that lead engine rolling. Outside of treating their referrals well, sending them a couple of bottles of wine is a great way to ensure that they’ll continue to recommend your business. We recommend doing this when they refer a large customer or sending them a high-end gift once per year letting them know how much you appreciate all of the business they’ve sent your way over the past year. 

6) Milestone Wine Gifts

Milestone gifts are a simple way to show your clients and employees some love and wine is the perfect gift to say “cheers to another year with us.” A lot of companies do this for their employees on their annual work anniversary and it goes a long way towards ensuring they’ll continue to get a high level of effort from their staff members. For clients, this is a simple way to lower churn, stay top of mind and sometimes it can even open the door to upselling them on additional products or services. We recommend sending a bottle of bubbly for annual gifts like this because it’s the most classic wine for celebrations. Another option is to reach out to the contact and ask for their wine preference. While this gives away the surprise, it also guarantees that you’ll give them something they’ll enjoy. 

7) Congratulatory Wine Gifts

Wine will always and forever be a go-to gift for saying congratulations to someone. When it comes to the workplace, there are a bunch of reasons to send a congratulatory wine gift. Maybe one of your salespeople closed their first deal and you’d like to make them feel extra special for the contributions by congratulating them with a nice bottle of wine. Oftentimes, the congratulations in order doesn’t even need to be work related. Maybe a colleague recently got married or a client had their first baby. These are all great reasons to send someone a wine gift along with a heartfelt message. Once again, sparkling wine is a great option for this type of a gift.

8) Real Estate Closing Wine Gifts

Many of you reading this may not be in the real estate industry so feel free to breeze right past this one but since real estate is one of the largest industries in the world and we receive requests from real estate agents and brokers all the time, we wanted to touch on this. It’s common practice for real estate professionals to give their clients a gift when they close on a home. Since this is probably the largest purchase a person will ever make and the real estate agent receives a hefty commission for helping guide their client through the process, it makes all the sense in the world to have some nice wine delivered to their new home. With that said, wine gifts aren't just limited to residential real estate brokers. We work with many commercial real estate companies and brokers who send wine gifts to tenants during the holidays, when they close on the sale of the building, or when a company signs a new long-term lease.

9) Investor Wine Gifts

If your business recently closed a round of funding or if you’ve had supportive investors along the way, wine is the perfect sophisticated gift to thank them for their continued support. Some companies have a handful of key investors and some have hundreds of investors, but we have solutions for both. The key is to pick an impressive wine without spending too much so they don’t think you’re overspending on their dime! Most business investors are higher-end and a nice bottle of wine or two can be the perfect gift for someone who seemingly has everything. 

10) Service Provider Wine Gifts

If you’re a business owner, then it’s highly likely that you work with over a dozen service providers that specialize in all sorts of things to help make running your business easier. And while you’re actually their client and they should be sending you gifts for your business, if they do an amazing job then it could be appropriate for you to send them a couple bottles of wine to say cheers and thanks for making your life better. Some examples would be a business attorney/lawyer, an accountant, a marketing agency, a manufacturer, or a staffing agency. If any of them go above and beyond for you then you should let them know how valuable their service is to you and your company by sending them a nice wine gift.

Whether you’re sending one corporate wine gift or 1,000+ gifts, Winestyr has the selection and team to make your gifting experience as seamless as possible. We offer self-serve gift options and a white glove service if you’re sending large batches of wine gifts to multiple addresses. Reach out to gifts@winestyr.com or visit our Corporate Gifting page for more information.